Hi Horse Pals ~
We thought it would be fun to start a new column where all of our Horse Pals could write about a day in their life. It will be a great way for us to learn more about each other. It could be a day in the life at your barn, farm, with your animals, whatever you'd like to share. So send us your stories (along with photos, too) and we'll post them.
I got the idea because Darby always sends us the most amazing emails about her life on the farm. So, we are going to start off this column with "A Day in the Life on Darby's Farm":
Yesterday, we tried to clip Latte's hooves, because they were wayyy too long, and well she needs a lot more training, she kept rearing up everytime we touched her feet, but she lets us pick up her feet and touch her on her legs and everything, and she doesn't care usually. She is quite the weird pony.
I got my pigs, on April 1st. They have gotten bigger! They weighed 30 pounds when we first got them, and we could pick them up and hold them! They are sooo cute! We have 2 of them, and they are named Dueces Wild, and Texas Hold Em. I call Texas Hold Em, Tex and Dueces Wild, Duece. I will have to send you some pictures. They aren't tame yet, but they are getting better. Tex, yesterday, had a weed in his mouth and was chewing on it, then it touched him on the neck, and they are still wild so they don't like to be touched, and he started running!!! The funniest thing in the world has to be pigs running. The scrunch up when they run. And trust me, they can run, and run fast. When they run and stuff, we call it Rodeoing. Sometimes they get going so fast they start spinning and they fall on their butt, or their belly and they slide!
Patches has been getting better, she lets us touch her now, without too much of a running away trick. And she only sometimes bites. She is so cute and sweet, oh osh, I just love horses!
Mom decided that we are going to get Miniature Cows. She said she would like to have Miniature Milk Cows, but we wouldn't be able to go on vacations then, because they need milking day and night. But she said she will settle with plain ole Miniature Cows. She said she wants Angus and Herefords, but that would be quite a bit, so she said she wants the Herefords. I guess we are going to get them when we can find a breeder or something.
When we went to Seattle, Washington to visit my Great Aunt, the day right after we got the piggies, we had to leave them at one of my Aunts house, Aunt Dee's sister. Aunt Dee is the one who has Salsa and is training her. Anyway, my other Aunt, she has turkeys! She has White Turkeys and Wild Turkeys. And she has a male and a couple of females in both kinds. And the male Wild Turkey is like 3 feet tall, and he is only 3 years old! And she said we can have some eggs to hatch into Turkey babies! I can't wait for that either. But of course we wont eat them, we won't eat the things we raise. But Turkeys are stupid, because when it rains, they look up at the sky to see where the water is coming from, and their mouths are open! Then they drown. Talk about stupid, so we will have to get them inside their house when it rains!
Salsa is doing pretty well. Turns out that that really tall Walker that I thought was her, isn't, they are almost like twins though. Kind of like a ringer. But she is still the same height, and mom said that Aunt Dee and Uncle Rob are training her to pull a cart. And she is doing really good! And Mom said that someone, I don't know who, just got on her and sat there, without any bridle, halter, saddle, nothing, and she just sat there! She didn't even have her ears back! She hadn't ever even gotten ridden before that! She is soo sweet!
Well I think that that is about all I have to say, but we will talk some more soon!
Your Horse Pal, Darby
We hope you enjoyed Darby's story and we look forward to receiving yours, too!!
Your Horse Pals, Araya and Avery
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